Personal Trainer Website

Tell me your goals. I will show you results!

Keeping fit and healthy is very important. Each age group has his own fitness activity in the midst of everyday life. It is, however, important to understand that not everyone has the same level of fitness and health. So each individual has to create an exercise regime based on his baseline health and fitness level. Doing so will prevent injury and even potential risk to life. I can set up a program designed specifically just for you.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Strength Training

Who's confused about weight training?

Many people are confused about weight training. They are concerned that they are going to "bulk up" too much or that they are going to add pounds when they are trying to cut weight.

Keep in mind that you're not preparing for a wrestling tournament or similar activity that requires you to be in a certain weight group. So for most of us, body composition is ...much more important than what the scale reads. Some overlooked benefits of weight training include improved body fat percentage, increased energy and metabolism and stress reduction. Strength training often helps you look better in a bathing suit too!

Two benefits that I think are particularly important include improvements in muscle strength and bone density. Think about your elderly family members. When was the last time they did any kind of strength exercise?

The truth is that it has probably been such a long time that simply getting out of the chair is a workout. This is likely due to the common belief that resistance training is just for young people and particular for young men.

In reality, strength training is for people of all ages and it serves different purposes for each.

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